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A Quick Guide to Simple, Yet Effective Flower Arrangements

These tips will help you bring a floral freshness to your space.

A Quick Guide to Simple, Yet Effective Flower Arrangements

The Founder

May 10, 2023
2 Min


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Flowers have the ability to make any space feel more alive. However, many people shy away from creating their own arrangements because the prospect can be a little daunting. Well, I am here to tell you it is not as hard as it seems and I have three main tips that will help you create simple, yet effective floral arrangements that can liven up any room.

1.    The Power of One

When it comes to floral arrangements, what I have found to be the most effective is sticking with one type and/or one color. Not only is it the easiest to implement, it is also the most chic and impactful (trust me, I have tried multi-colored arrangements and they just…just don’t have the same effect). My go-to flower of choice is the white hydrangea.

2.    More is More

Flowers are one of those things that take a large number to have impact. When flower shopping, it is easy to under estimate the amount you will need to have a full, healthy-looking arrangement. The key is to place each [flower] stem in the vessel individually (don’t forget to fill it with ice water and trim each stem before arranging).

3.    The Vessel Matters

Speaking of vessels – they matter! Now when I say vessel, I am simply referring to the container you use for your floral arrangement. The vessel you use does not have to be super expensive, but it does need to correspond well with the type of arrangement(s) you tend to create in both style and size.

Check-out an example of an arrangement I created which captures these three main tips below:

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